I wrote all about how it works on last year's post. If you've forgotten or didn't read last year's post and are interested, you can check it out HERE. My Mom had a friend come help out so that all the kids could join in too. It's usually only done for the adults, but the kids are getting old enough to want to join in the fun.
I guess it takes a little practice to get good at ordering. Regan ordered all his utensils, a napkin, and a finger food on his first course. I, of course, did beautifully. Couldn't have done better if I'd of know what was actually on the menu. Anyway, lots of fun, and lots of work for Mom. Thanks Mom.
After dinner, we get the kids all dressed up in costumes for pictures.
This was our sad attempt at getting all the kids to pose in one picture.
My favorite costume of the night: My brother Shaggy and his son Scooby Doo.
Rob's pimp and hippi dogs came in second (they wore the same thing last year).
I had forgotten both Ben and Weston's costumes, so we borrowed some. Neither lasted more than a few minutes dressed up.