Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Regan!

Regan turned eight today. He opted not to have a friend party. Instead, he wanted me to take him bowling. So, after school I took Spencer & Benjamin over to a friends house while Regan and I had our night out. We bowled two games. I was surprised when he only lost by ten points on the first game. Not that my scores are anything to boast about (I average somewhere from 80-100), but I thought that was very good for an eight year old.
We ate dinner at the bowling alley when we were done playing. They're supposed to have the best burgers in town. I thought they were all right. Maybe I didn't order the right one.
I had made a cake earlier and brought it over to my friends so that when we picked up Spencer & Ben, he would see it there.

He wanted a black Spiderman cake. I thought it turned out okay. I was unhappy with the eyes, but didn't have time to fix them.

I bought him a set of books for his present. They include the children's versions of classics such as Swiss Family Robinson, Peter Pan, Oliver Twist, Moby Dick and 14 others. I found them at the craft store today and thought they'd make a nice gift. I wasn't sure how he'd feel about getting a load of books for his present, but he seemed to really like them.
It was a good day. He enjoyed himself and I think I would enjoy every birthday being like this one, not having to put together a big party. Sadly, my days may be numbered for being the preferred companion to his party. I'll enjoy it while I can.

1 comment:

  1. Disappointed with the cake? You should start a business! The books are great, Roberts?
