Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog List

After seeing the cool new background on my friend Kristin's blog, I decided to experiment with my own. I followed the link on her blog and tried out some new backgrounds. In the end, I ended up using my same old background-with a change in color- because the layout works better for me. But, in the process, I lost my whole blog list. So, if you know that your blog was in my blog list, please leave a comment so that I can get your blog address again. There's a few that I remember, so check my blog list first to see if you're there.


  1. I did the same thing to my blog a while ago - so annoying. Ours is - Hope you guys are doing well. I've missed your posts lately!

  2. Cindy,
    I was blog surfing and came accross yours. Love the back to school night story, sounds really similar to mine.
    you can visit our blog at

  3. ahhhh, sorry. I should have written that up, you lose all your widgets, it sucks. I still haven't added all mine back in. Tried and true man, nothing wrong with that. how was the wedding? nice to get away for a few days? do you need my blog address? I'll email you it.
