Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Every trip to the ER deserves a post. Friday, I was getting laundry out of the dryer when I heard Weston screaming. I ran upstairs and found him sitting in the hall. I couldn't immediately see anything wrong, but as I got closer I could see him trying to pull something away from his ear. I finally saw the problem. He had a fish hook stuck in the back of his ear! I guess he had gotten a hold of Jason's fishing pole on the side of our dresser, and had somehow hooked himself. He had managed to break the line, but there was about 6 inches of line still on the hook, which he was yanking on with all his might. I grabbed him and held down his arm while trying to decide what to do next. He of course is still screaming. I started pacing the floor. Okay, stay calm. Think. What should I do? It was so far in there I could tell I couldn't get it out without taking a chunk of ear with it. I cut off the extra line and then had an idea. I had some numbing liquid for canker sores, I figured that it should help the pain. A few minutes after pouring it on his ear, he was doing much better. After taking a closer look, I knew there was no way I was going to try and cut it out by myself. I decided to take him to the ER. After calling around a bit, I found a friend who could come get us. I held his arm down all the way there to keep him from pulling at it anymore. She dropped us off and took Ben back to her house.
For an ER trip, I'd have to say this was a pretty good one. We were in and out of there in about 30 minutes. I couldn't believe how happy he was, just grinning at everyone. Different staff kept coming in our room to see him because the nurse was telling everyone how cute he was.
He cried for just a moment when we had to hold him down. The Doctor cut it out in just a few minutes, and he was happy again. Much better than trying to do it myself. He had a purple and swollen ear for the rest of the day, but it didn't seem to bother him.
So, now you know. It's really not a good idea to leave fishing poles with hooks on them anywhere in the reach of a child.


  1. Poor little Weston. He seems to be okay about it all though.

  2. Uh, yeah, that definitely deserved a post! That is a nightmare....weird stuff like that happening is a mother's worse fear. Poor guy, poor mom. That kinda stuff only happens with boys, girls just don't impel themselves for some reason!;)

  3. Should I say poor little Weston, or poor MOm! You did some quick thinking and did a good job. That is scary!! I love that last picture. He has such a cute little smile.

  4. Canker sore medicine?? You are brilliant! Poor little Weston...

  5. Glad I am not the only one who frequents the er with strange Dx. I feel I must warn you this tends to happen in 3's so keep your beads, batteries and magnets up! Good luck!

  6. Poor guy, are you sure that Ben didn't have anything to do with it? Glad he's okay.

  7. Wow poor guy...I am glad that he was a trooper!
