When Weston woke up yesterday with a fever-for the third time this week-I decided to bring him to the doctor. While getting the kids ready to go, Ben went from slightly swollen eyes to almost non
existent eyes. His face swelled. His arms and hands swelled. He developed huge welts all over his body. All of this in a matter of minutes. I couldn't figure out why he would be having an allergic reaction. Good thing we were already on the way to the
Instacare. I really hate going to the doctor. I feel like they always over-treat the kids, and who knows what else they'll pick up while being there. Oh well, what do you do? '
Tis the season, I suppose. One more reason for me to HATE winter. Looks like the 100+ (yes really, 100+) gummy vitamins that Ben and Weston consumed last week didn't do much to keep them healthy.
As it turned out, Ben was most likely having a reaction to some sort of virus, which evidently is not uncommon in children. She said it would probably last 3 or 4 days, and wrote a
prescription for some kind of steroid treatment, to which I had no intention of filling. I'll stick with
Benadryl for a few days, if he needs it.
Weston had an ear infection. For him, a prescription of
Amoxicillin, which will also end up in the garbage. Not that I tell the doctor this. Just smile and nod.
I'm not totally against
antibiotics or other medications, but I do think they're over prescribed.
Most things they get over on their own. I would do a few things differently if I could go back. But, live and learn.

I took these pictures several hours after the
Benadryl, and the swelling had gone down.

I can hardly look at these without wanting to scratch them for him. I used to get hives quite frequently as a child. They never could figure out why. This sure brought back memories of my own hive days.
Poor Wes, just not himself.
On a more positive note, the
one good thing about winter-Christmas. We got a tree cut down and decorated. Christmas lights are up. Christmas decorations are up. Most the Christmas cards are on the way. Neighbor gifts are almost done. Shopping is almost done. Now, if I can just keep the kids healthy....