Do we look like we're close to opening for business? Our friends must have thought we were crazy.
We were trying to get some homework done at the same time. Mostly, we had all but given up on doing things like homework.
Getting legs put on the tables that Jason and his dad built.
More pretending to do homework.
In the final weeks, the one employee that we already had, Brandon, got a new job helping us get ready. We quit running the other pizza cart completely while preparing to open this location.
Dan helped get the wiring and lighting in the dining room done.
Our friend Borden and our home teacher helped out a lot in the last few weeks.
Trying to make up our minds on colors.
It seemed that I spent hours each day on the phone. Trying to work out permits, licences, financing, etc. Coordinate workers, deliveries, food, etc.
More lighting in the dining area. Jason built these lights.
Finishing touches before Friends and Family night.
Training new employees. I didn't get any pictures of the friends and family night because it was so hectic. In reality, we were not really ready. In the process we found out about a lot of little things that still needed to be done. My friends, Ivie, Kim, Tori and their families were there all day cleaning and prepping and we barely pulled it off. It was incredibly overwhelming. We only had one employee that came with us from the cart, everyone else was new and knew nothing. I felt like things went so poorly that night that I had a bit of a panic attack after the party. I sat in the office and cried. What have we done!? This is never going to come together! We had 2 more parties to do and those people weren't just friends and family. I was terrified.
In the end, we did the other parties. They weren't perfect. Far from it, but people were nice. They knew that we were trying to iron out all the details before opening and they were patient with us.
We now had less than a week before opening our doors for business. There was still much to be done. Again, our friends and family were there to help us along the way.
So we did it. We opened our doors almost a week later on December 11th 2014. One day later than we planned, but that's okay because we didn't tell anyone that we were opening. We just put a sign up and opened our doors. We still had a few months of some very long days. 80 hour weeks for each of us, but we did it.
A year and a half and tens of thousands of pizzas later, The Pizza Cart lives on. Who would have thought that when we started this journey over 7 years ago, we'd end up here? We have 12 employees, not including our family. Our boys have each had the opportunity to learn to work here. I am still overwhelmed with gratitude for all those who have helped us along the way, including a lot of help from above.
While the journey is far from over, we've learned a few things. Most importantly, whatever the future brings, we know we'll be okay. Because we know that, together, we can do hard things.